
Monday, January 31, 2011

Do You Have Unshakeable Faith?

Unshakeable Faith, an 8-session Bible study for women by Kathy Howard, has just been released by New Hope Publishers. This study helps readers apply 8 key “faith traits” found in the life of Peter so they will be prepared to weather the harshest storms of life. Today we get to talk to Kathy about her new Bible study!

Kathy, what prompted you to write on this particular topic?

Over the last few years, many Christian women I love and admire have endured difficult circumstances such as life-threatening illness, divorce, death of a child, and financial hardship. The quality of their faith significantly affected how they endured these trials and how God worked in them for His glory. God strengthened and guided them through their close relationship with Jesus.

Their experiences made me wonder how I would do in the same circumstances. Like most women, I manage to juggle the everyday things of life – work, family, ministry, and home life – without too much difficulty. But sometimes, even in just a small crisis, my self-sufficiency is shaken. Would I stand firm in really hard times or would these trials knock me flat? I began to ask God to show me how my faith could be prepared.

So why Peter? Why is he a good example for us to study?

Peter was just an ordinary man, a fisherman. He worked hard. He had a family and friends. Peter was passionate and a natural leader, but he was also headstrong and impetuous. Peter had sworn to follow Jesus unconditionally, no matter the circumstances. Yet on the night Jesus was betrayed, his faith wavered and he denied His Lord. But then several decades later Peter willingly faced martyrdom rather than deny Him again. This study is about what made the difference in Peter’s faith. Unshakeable Faith looks closely at Peter’s life and teachings to discover some of the key characteristics God built into his faith that helped him stand firm in the face of death. That’s the kind of faith I want to have.

What’s unique about this study?

I love to study God’s Word. Learning about God, His ways, and what He desires for us is wonderful. But if we don’t apply what He teaches us, let it shape our lives, then we fall short of the full purpose of study. Unshakeable Faith not only leads readers into learning God’s Word, but it also purposefully helps readers apply it. In addition to each week’s application section, there is a “Faith Shaker” story that helps us see how that faith trait works in real life. These stories are about real women who have faced a life trial with which many readers will relate. Readers get to see how their faith keeps them standing firm. A strong faith in Jesus Christ does work in real life!

Where can readers get a copy of Unshakeable Faith?

The study is available at most online bookstores and many Christian bookstores. If your local bookstore does not carry it more than likely they can order it for you. Here are a few links to online stores.


New Hope/WMU Bookstore:

Barnes & Noble:

Christian Book Distributors:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ever try to justify yourself?

Wanting to justify himself… (Luke 10:29, NKJV).

When a lawyer questioned Jesus as to what were the most important of all the commandments/Jewish laws, Jesus told him to love the Lord with all his heart, soul, strength, and mind…and “your neighbor as yourself.”

What a picture of the Cross that lay in Christ’s future! Because of His coming sacrifice, human beings would be able to choose to reach upward and love God, but Jesus wanted them to know that they must also reach outward to love others—their “neighbors.”

That’s where the problem came in for the lawyer. Because he undoubtedly considered himself a “son of Abraham,” a faithful Jew who observed Jewish law and therefore loved God, he didn’t challenge the first part of Jesus’ answer. But the part about loving his neighbor? That’s where he took exception.

“Who is my neighbor?” he asked. In other words, whom must I love as unselfishly as I love myself? Other faithful Jews? Loved ones and friends and family? Surely not everyone! That would be impossible…wouldn’t it?

In our own strength and out of our own resources, of course it is. Let’s face it: there are some people who are just flat unlovable. The lawyer’s response tells us that he was well aware of those unlovable people and wanted to make sure there was a loophole (a major concern for legal types!) that precluded his having to love that sort of person. In other words, he was trying to “justify himself” and his lack of unconditional love for others.

Before we judge that lawyer too harshly, perhaps we should ask ourselves how often we argue with God in an attempt to “justify” ourselves. We know it’s wrong to lie, but aren’t there times when the end seems to justify the means? We have no doubt that it’s wrong to murder, and yet didn’t Jesus Himself say that the root of hating someone (even calling them a “fool” or some other such derogatory name) is the same as the root of evil that spurs us to murder? And yet we attempt to justify ourselves with worldly logic and earthly arguments. Like the lawyer who questioned Jesus, our words bring a response from our Lord that strips away our excuses and confronts our hypocrisy.

The lawyer couldn’t justify himself, and neither can we. The Cross—reaching toward heaven and out to others—is the only justification we will ever find on this earth. May we graciously and unreservedly follow hard after it daily, even as we offer its unconditional love and forgiveness to others!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What are people saying about People of the Book?

People of the Book, the fourth and final installment of the popular Extreme Devotion series, releases in April and is already available for pre-order at Christian Books, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online venues. Here is what endorsers are saying about it:

People of the Book humbled me as I was reminded of my responsibility as a Christian to preach Christ more boldly. The smells, sights, and sounds of life in Saudi Arabia came alive again as Kathi Macias transported me back to the world I once knew, one in which I spent so many years of my life. Not only does Kathi do an extraordinary job in bringing the characters to life, but People of the Book shows the touch of a loving Savior to a lost world and illustrates the true meaning of what it means to pick up your cross and follow Christ. A must-read for every serious Christian.”—Dolly Dahdal, a former Saudi citizen

“A strong and moving story! All choices have consequences, some more life-affecting than others. People of the Book examines the cost of life-altering choices, both good and bad.”—Gayle Roper, author of A Rose Revealed and Shadows on the Sand

People of the Book will rock your world. Macias demonstrates the reality of Christian persecution present in the Muslim world with an action-packed story and real-world characters. You’ll find yourself praying for the safety of the heroines (former Muslims who accept Jesus Christ) as their Lord and Savior. Buy a copy for you, your church library, and your missions-minded friends.”—Jan Coates, author of Set Free and Attitude-inize

“Through this ‘Extreme Devotion’ series, Kathi has shown her extraordinary gift of telling a compelling story that comes alive in the hearts and minds of the readers. I also felt compassion for the extreme situations these characters found themselves in. In People of the Book, Kathi shows God’s word is alive and well. It has the power to transform lives in incredible ways. The reader sees that God can do far more than we can ever imagine! Thank you, Kathi, for reminding me to pray for a culture and a people I don’t often think about. I felt concern for the young women in this novel as they struggled with their faith, hope, and fear as they could be killed for taking a stand for Christ. Kathi Macias once again has skillfully penned a thought-provoking, believable, captivating missions-minded novel. One I can’t stop thinking about and highly recommend!”—Nora St. Laurent, ACFW Book Club coordinator, the Book Club Network

“I finished this book days ago and can’t get the characters out of my head or heart. Kathi has done an amazing job bringing this subject to life with sensitivity and grace. Reading this story will change you.”—Laurie Alice Eakes, award-winning author of Lady in the Mist

“Certain stories need to be told. This is one of them. People of the Book by Kathi Macias is an intricately plotted narrative of a young Muslim woman’s insatiable hunger for a touch from Allah during Ramadan. The touch comes, but not in the manner she expects. The experience radically changes her life and her newfound Christian faith marks her as a traitor of Islam. Through Kathi’s extraordinary writing, we see God reaching the human heart. The author’s writing is savvy and places the reader into the heroine’s mind, emotions, and skin. I forgot I was holding a book, as the pages melted away, transporting me into the story, where I remained to the last word on the last page.—Robin Jansen Shope, author of the book and movie, The Christmas Edition: Journey to Paradise

“Be forewarned. Somewhere between the first word and the last, you may forget to breathe. But you will always remember this story, appropriate for our time. I promise.”—Eva Marie Everson, author of Chasing Sunsets

“Young women developing a friendship through an online chat room shouldn’t be trouble—unless one or more of them is from Saudi Arabia and the topic of discussion is Isa Masih—Jesus Christ. People of the Book is a tale of searching and finding, of love, courage, and sacrifice. And if the inevitable clash of a young girl’s faith and Muslim family honor is painted with deadly and heartwrenching realism, interwoven throughout is the comforting reminder that cradling the smallest falling sparrow are the everlasting arms of a loving heavenly Father. A story that will challenge hearts and minds.”—Jeanette Windle, author of Veiled Freedom and Freedom’s Stand

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What do you know about iFaith?

Technology has brought about an entire paradigm shift when it comes to effectively connecting with God and communicating your faith. Daniel Darling has written a book addressing this vital issue, and here are what people are saying about it:

“Daniel Darling is a serious young man of faith, worthy of a careful reading.”

Jerry B. Jenkins, bestselling author of 175 books, including the 700,000,000 selling Left Behind series.

“If you’ve ever wondered where prayer fits in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing digital world, iFaith has the answer. Using phrases common to Facebook, iPhone and instant messaging, Daniel Darling shows us how practical prayer can be in the 21st-century. Reading this book can reboot your prayer life and open a high-speed connection with God.”

Dr. Ray Pritchard, President, Keep Believing Ministries, Author, An Anchor for the Soul, Man of Honor, The ABCs of Wisdom

“ One of the most persistent problems I face when counseling Christians of all ages is loneliness. This is despite

the fact that technology has made us instantly accessible to one another, no matter where we are in the world.

Technology cannot undo the truth, though, that apart from Christ, we are lost in the cosmos. In this book, Dan

Darling offers a guide for finding connection and community in an age of pixels and bandwidth. Read and


—Russell D. Moore, dean, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Many question whether the ancient truths of Christianity connect with the instant expectations of postmodern culture. Darling answers with both a biblical and applicable approach for those in doubt. iFaith is the perfect response for the digital generation. Read it, live it, and forward it to a friend!”

-Dillon Burroughs, professor and bestselling author of What Can Be Found in LOST

“If I had written an appropriate endorsement for an earlier generation, I would have used words like super, groovy, neat, and perhaps even it rocks. Dan Darling hits exactly the right tone for this generation; therefore, I’d say it’s awesome and so there.”

Cecil Murphey is the author or co-author or co-author of more than 100 books, including 90 Minutes in Heaven (with Don Piper) and Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story.

“If you want to connect more deeply to God, read IFaith. Daniel deftly weaves heartfelt stories with the struggles biblical characters faced as he challenges the reader to a deeper spiritual life. As an added bonus, each chapter includes fresh insight and practical pointers that will enrich your walk with Christ.”

—Charles Stone, Senior Pastor, Ginger Creek Community Church, Aurora, IL, author of 5 Ministry Killers

iFaith is not a normal book and Daniel Darling is not a normal author. He has written a clever, meaty, biblical and practical manual for living with Jesus day by day. The Internet is all about connections, and this book is all about connecting with God in the 21st century. How do iPhones, email, Facebook and Google inform and shape our faith? How can we cling to old-time Christianity while embracing increasingly powerful technology? This is not just a book you’ll read and put down. It’s a book you’ll mull over and share with friends. It’s also a perfect resource for small groups or Sunday School classes. Through this book, you’ll not only see Jesus formed more deeply in you, you might even discover him smiling back at you in your text messages and Facebook posts.

—Bill Giovannetti, pastor, author of How to Keep Your Inner Mess from Trashing Your Outer World, and professor at A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.

My generation is so good at creating an app for that, which our hearts desire. Not so much for connecting with God. That’s why I believe iFaith: Connecting With God in the 21st Century a must read for those figuring out God, Google, and Grace.

-Renee Johnson, Devotional Diva™ spirited speaker and writer to the 20-somethings. Author of “Faithbook of Jesus” and creator of Throw Mountains a revolution for young adults.

“Daniel tackles one of the thornier issues in our no-waiting, instantly-downloadable approach to faith. As Daniel so aptly points out, faith is about the wait. I have come to expect that when I read something Daniel Darling has written, I will be challenged and pushed to think deeper. This book is no exception.”—Jennifer Kennedy Dean, best-selling author Live A Praying Life

From Publisher’s Weekly:

Appealing to teens and young adults, especially when writing about religion, takes more than just appropriating their lingo and dropping a few pop culture references. Darling, columnist for and pastor at Gages Lake Bible Church in suburban Chicago, is astutely aware of this and brings some substance along with his punchy prose. The question the author addresses is a vital one–how does technology affect one’s relationships, especially with God? Darling warns young people against using technology to insulate themselves from the realities of life, as this results in missing where God is most present. He urges that they embrace an “unsafe life” and take some chances, because people who are outside of their cocoons of comfort feel God’s presence most acutely. A young, tech-savvy audience will be challenged but not threatened by the author’s suggestions, and they will find the reflection questions at the conclusion of each chapter especially helpful. The final chapter offers wise advice for living as a person of faith in a technologically driven world. Both young and old could heed these words.

To find out more or to order a copy (or three or four!), stop by

If You Don't Know Where You're Going...You Just Might End Up Someplace Else!

But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God's purpose for themselves,

not having been baptized by John (Luke 7:30, NASB).

We hear a lot about the importance of “purpose-driven lives,” but is it enough to follow any purpose…or does it matter whose purpose we choose to follow?

The above verse in Luke tells us that the Pharisees and lawyers rejected God’s purpose for their lives. Why? Because they hadn’t been baptized by John. What does that have to do with it?

John the Baptist preached repentance. He was all about getting in people’s faces and warning them to repent. Simply put, he was telling them they were going the wrong way—their own way—and they needed to turn around (the meaning of repentance) and go the right way—toward God, rather than away from Him. Because these supposedly successful Pharisees and lawyers had not repented, they were headed in the wrong direction—away from God—and therefore they couldn’t help but miss God’s purpose for their lives because they had willfully chosen to reject it.

Are we any different? Of course not. We all begin our earthly journeys on our own paths. We may or may not consciously realize we are rejecting God and His purpose for us, but whether we are aware of it or not doesn’t change the fact that we are doing so. At some point, if we don’t want to end our lives being separated from God, we need to turn around and head in the right direction.

Fellow author and dear friend Susan Meissner posted a “Yogi Berra-ism” on Facebook that said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” I love Yogi’s statements and always get a chuckle from them. This one, however, is deeper than I’m sure he realized. In fact, it has eternal implications. If we have chosen to live like the Pharisees and lawyers spoken of by Luke and continue on our own way rather than repenting (turning around) and heading back toward God, we will indeed miss out on His purpose for our lives. And when we breathe our last, regardless of how many supposed successes or accomplishments we may have accredited to our name here on earth, we will have nothing to show for the gift of life that our great Creator has bestowed on us.

If we are to fulfill God’s purpose for us, we must first understand where we are going. If our path is taking us away from God, rather than toward Him, it’s time to turn around and go the right way. We certainly don’t want to “wind up someplace else” now, do we?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Read what people are saying about People of the Book!

People of the Book, the fourth and final installment of the popular Extreme Devotion series, releases in April and is already available for pre-order at Christian Books, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and other online venues. Here is what endorsers are saying about it:

“People of the Book humbled me as I was reminded of my responsibility as a Christian to preach Christ more boldly. The smells, sights, and sounds of life in Saudi Arabia came alive again as Kathi Macias transported me back to the world I once knew, one in which I spent so many years of my life. Not only does Kathi do an extraordinary job in bringing the characters to life, but People of the Book shows the touch of a loving Savior to a lost world and illustrates the true meaning of what it means to pick up your cross and follow Christ. A must-read for every serious Christian.”—Dolly Dahdal, a former Saudi citizen

“A strong and moving story! All choices have consequences, some more life-affecting than others. People of the Book examines the cost of life-altering choices, both good and bad.”—Gayle Roper, author of A Rose Revealed and Shadows on the Sand

“People of the Book will rock your world. Macias demonstrates the reality of Christian persecution present in the Muslim world with an action-packed story and real-world characters. You’ll find yourself praying for the safety of the heroines (former Muslims who accept Jesus Christ) as their Lord and Savior. Buy a copy for you, your church library, and your missions-minded friends.”—Jan Coates, author of Set Free and Attitude-inize

“Through this ‘Extreme Devotion’ series, Kathi has shown her extraordinary gift of telling a compelling story that comes alive in the hearts and minds of the readers. I also felt compassion for the extreme situations these characters found themselves in. In People of the Book, Kathi shows God’s word is alive and well. It has the power to transform lives in incredible ways. The reader sees that God can do far more than we can ever imagine! Thank you, Kathi, for reminding me to pray for a culture and a people I don’t often think about. I felt concern for the young women in this novel as they struggled with their faith, hope, and fear as they could be killed for taking a stand for Christ. Kathi Macias once again has skillfully penned a thought-provoking, believable, captivating missions-minded novel. One I can’t stop thinking about and highly recommend!”—Nora St. Laurent, ACFW Book Club coordinator, the Book Club Network

“I finished this book days ago and can’t get the characters out of my head or heart. Kathi has done an amazing job bringing this subject to life with sensitivity and grace. Reading this story will change you.”—Laurie Alice Eakes, award-winning author of Lady in the Mist

“Certain stories need to be told. This is one of them. People of the Book by Kathi Macias is an intricately plotted narrative of a young Muslim woman’s insatiable hunger for a touch from Allah during Ramadan. The touch comes, but not in the manner she expects. The experience radically changes her life and her newfound Christian faith marks her as a traitor of Islam. Through Kathi’s extraordinary writing, we see God reaching the human heart. The author’s writing is savvy and places the reader into the heroine’s mind, emotions, and skin. I forgot I was holding a book, as the pages melted away, transporting me into the story, where I remained to the last word on the last page.—Robin Jansen Shope, author of the book and movie, The Christmas Edition: Journey to Paradise

“Be forewarned. Somewhere between the first word and the last, you may forget to breathe. But you will always remember this story, appropriate for our time. I promise.”—Eva Marie Everson, author of Chasing Sunsets

“Young women developing a friendship through an online chat room shouldn’t be trouble—unless one or more of them is from Saudi Arabia and the topic of discussion is Isa Masih—Jesus Christ. People of the Book is a tale of searching and finding, of love, courage, and sacrifice. And if the inevitable clash of a young girl’s faith and Muslim family honor is painted with deadly and heartwrenching realism, interwoven throughout is the comforting reminder that cradling the smallest falling sparrow are the everlasting arms of a loving heavenly Father. A story that will challenge hearts and minds.”—Jeanette Windle, author of Veiled Freedom and Freedom’s Stand

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Touched by a Miracle" Contest

Ever been "touched by a miracle"?

Why not write it up and send it to the "Touched by a Miracle" contest at the Book Club Network site ( You don't have to be a member to enter, and you could win a copy of People of the Book when it releases in April PLUS get $100 donated to the charity of your choice.

Spread the word, and let's hear about those miracles!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Family Fiction wants your opinion!

Here is your chance to vote for your favorite 2010 Christian fiction books and authors (if one of mine is among them, YAY!) and also influence future Christian fiction releases:

Don’t miss it if you’re a reader/lover of Christian fiction!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Certain Hope in an Uncertain World

January 13, 2011

“The Scriptures must be fulfilled” (Mark 14:49).
The world is full of uncertainties. Daily we are tempted, even as believers, to give in to fear and doubt. Just when we think we have a handle on a certain situation, it seems the universe pulls the rug out from under our feet. Our hearts cry out for a certain and unshakable truth, a promise we can hang on to even when everything around us seems ominous and threatening—and God has provided just such a promise in Mark 14.

It was Jesus Himself who spoke those very words: “The Scriptures must be fulfilled.” He didn’t say they should be fulfilled or might be fulfilled or may partially be fulfilled. He said they MUST be fulfilled—and so they will be. That’s why it’s so vitally important to know what the Scriptures say. For when the earth shakes and the heavens are removed and everything we hold dear is taken from us, the promise of the Scriptures remains a sure anchor in a tumultuous sea that would otherwise destroy us.

God is in control. He knows how everything will turn out because He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and nothing happens apart from His permission or purpose. There is great comfort in that—IF we know God intimately and have learned to trust His Word. If we are to stand strong when all else around us fails, then we must hide ourselves in the promise of the Scriptures, knowing that they MUST and will be fulfilled, exactly as He has spoken them. What a glorious place of safety in an unsafe world! Will you join me today in a fresh commitment to read and study and memorize and meditate on the Holy Scriptures, God’s Word spoken and given to us?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Meet Red Ink's Inspiration

My latest book, Red Ink, is a work of fiction loosely based on the life of one of my own personal heroes: Li Ying. Here is some information about her:

Location: China
Arrested: April 2001
Days Imprisoned: 3573

Journalist Li Ying is currently serving a 15-year prison sentence for her role in the publication of an underground church magazine in China. She was arrested April 2001 along with 16 others from the South China Church and condemned to death December 2001. Her current sentence was handed down during a retrial ordered by the Hubei Provincial Supreme Court in October 2002. Arrest and imprisonment are not new to this young woman in her early thirties. She has been arrested many times and spent a year in prison in 1996. Li Ying is the niece of Pastor Gong Shengliang, founder of the South China Church, one of the fastest-growing house-church movements in China. Li Ying cannot have a Bible and is forced to work 15 hours each day on materials to be exported out of China. Please pray for this young woman to remain faithful to our Lord. Please share this site with others. Read on to see how God uses the willing.

This information was obtained from China Aid Association, a vital partner with VOM ( You can also learn more about Li Ying (and many others around the world imprisoned for their faith) at

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Red Ink receives glowing review on Crosswalk!

Can’t say how pleased I was to see Red Ink reviewed on Crosswalk today (and glowingly so, I might add). Stop by and read it if you get a chance, will you? And if you can figure out how to navigate their login system (took me several tries!), please leave a comment. Blessings!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christians In Recovery Workbook & Meeting Guide

I have come across a really excellent resource that I would HIGHLY recommend as either an individual or group study for Christians (or non-Christians if open to biblical content) in recovery for any sort of addictive behavior (which covers a lot of territory!). Christians in Recovery Workbook & Meeting Guide by S.O. Brennan, Executive Director of Christians in Recovery, is a "comprehensive lesson guide dealing directly with recovery and social dysfunctions of many kinds. Biblical references are supplied to provide incisive and relevant insights surrounding many of our life-issues and difficulties. Included are step by step instructions on how to run a recovery meeting. This is an indispensable guide for anyone who desires to start a recovery group, meeting or ministry. Lessons are organized by topic, so the reader can work on the particular issues that are facing them at any given time. Biblical References and Studies included with most topics, accompanied by facts surrounding many life-circumstances. Helpful worksheets to aid in recovery."

To find out more and order a copy/copies for yourself and or your group, visit

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Prologue to People of the Book

Okay, by popular request I'm adding the Prologue to People of the Book. Here you go!


Eighteen-year-old Farah Mohammed Al Otaibi lay bruised and bloody on the floor beside her bed. The image of her soft mattress floated in and out of her consciousness, but she had no strength to drag herself from her current position. Even the slightest movement brought stabs of excruciating pain, so she tried to remember to keep her breathing shallow and her body still.

How long had she been here? Hours, certainly. Days? She couldn’t be sure. Her father and brother had covered the windows with heavy, dark cloth, blocking out any light that might help her keep track of time.

Hunger wasn’t an issue, for who could think of food when the pain was so intense? But thirst? Oh, how she longed for just a sip of cool water! Surely her mother would sneak in soon and bring her some. She had always taken care of her before—


The memory was back, though she tried desperately to block it out. Impossible. She could never forget that moment in time, for it was the dividing line between the before and after of her life. Before the tragedy that led to her brother’s discovery. Before her father had flown into a rage over what he considered his daughter’s betrayal and treachery. Before they had threatened to kill her in order to preserve the family’s honor. Before her mother had tried to intervene…

Hot tears pricked the back of Farah’s eyelids, as the vision of her mother’s face before—and after—swam in front of her eyes. The pain in her heart at that moment far exceeded anything she felt in her body. Then suddenly, inexplicably, the meaning of her name—Farah, joy and cheerfulness—burst into her consciousness. Despite her agony and sorrow, Farah was unable to hold back the brief burst of laughter that exploded from her aching chest. How absurd that her parents had given her a name that implied happiness, and yet she now wondered if she had ever truly understood or experienced any of it in her not quite nineteen years of life.

But then she had met Isa, and everything—both good and bad—had changed forever….

People of the Book is almost here!

Check out the video for People of the Book, and then read the description below and what others are saying about it!

Eighteen-year-old Farah, who lives in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with her family, wants nothing more than to develop a deeper, more meaningful devotion to her Muslim faith. She sees the month of Ramadan as her chance to draw nearer to Allah, and she pursues that goal throughout the holiday. All goes well until the prophet Isa—Jesus—appears to her in a dream and calls her to Himself. At the same time, her only brother, Kareem, who has never liked Farah, actively seeks an opportunity to expose her for the sham he believes she is.

Meanwhile, Farah’s seventeen-year-old cousin, Nura, has begun to frequent an online chat room where former Muslims gather to discuss their new faith, based on their belief that Isa is much more than a Muslim prophet—He is actually the Son of God. While there, Nura becomes acquainted with an American girl of Muslim ancestry—now a devout Christian named Sara—and a friendship quickly develops. However, Sara has problems of her own due to her fifteen-year-old brother Emir’s involvement with a gang.

The lives of Farah, Nura, and Sara ultimately dovetail until each finds herself at a place where her faith is put to the test. Will they remain faithful to the end? Will God protect and keep them safe in the midst of persecution and treachery? Or will they be required to pay the ultimate price for their faith?

What others are saying:

People of the Book humbled me as I was reminded of my responsibility as a Christian to preach Christ more boldly. The smells, sights, and sounds of life in Saudi Arabia came alive again as Kathi Macias transported me back to the world I once knew, one in which I spent so many years of my life. Not only does Kathi do an extraordinary job in bringing the characters to life, but People of the Book shows the touch of a loving Savior to a lost world and illustrates the true meaning of what it means to pick up your cross and follow Christ. A must-read for every serious Christian.

Dolly Dahdal
A Former Saudi Citizen

Young women developing a friendship through an on-line chat room shouldn't be trouble—unless one or more of them is from Saudi Arabia and the topic of discussion is Isa Masih—Jesus Christ. People of the Book is a tale of searching and finding, of love, courage, and sacrifice. And if the inevitable clash of a young girl's faith and Muslim family honor is painted with deadly and heart-wrenching realism, interwoven throughout is the comforting reminder that cradling the smallest falling sparrow are the everlasting arms of a loving heavenly Father. A story that will challenge hearts and minds.

Jeanette Windle, author Veiled Freedom, Freedom's Stand


Certain stories need to be told. This is one of them. People of the Book by Kathi Macias is an intricately plotted narrative of a young Muslim woman’s insatiable hunger for a touch from Allah during Ramadan. The touch comes, but not in the manner she expects. The experience radically changes her life, and her newfound Christian faith marks her as a traitor of Islam. Through Kathi’s extraordinary writing, we see God reaching the human heart. The author’s writing is savvy and places the reader into the heroine’s mind, emotions, and skin. I forgot I was holding a book, as the pages melted away, transporting me into the story, where I remained, to the last word on the last page.

Robin Jansen Shope
The Christmas Edition/Journey to Paradise
Ruby Red


I finished this book days ago and can’t get the characters out of my head or heart. Kathi has done an amazing job bringing this subject to life with sensitivity and grace. Reading this story will change you.

Laurie Alice Eakes, Award-winning author of Lady in the Mist


Through this Extreme Devotion series Kathi has shown her extraordinary gift of telling a compelling story that comes alive in the heart and mind of the readers. I also felt compassion for the extreme situations these characters found themselves in. In People of the Book, Kathi shows God’s word is alive and well. It has the power to transform lives in incredible ways. The reader sees that God can do far more than we can ever imagine! Thank you, Kathi, for reminding me to pray for a culture and a people I don’t often think about. I felt concern for the young women in this novel as they struggled with their faith, hope, and fear as they could be killed for taking a stand for Christ. Kathi Macias once again has skillfully penned a thought-provoking, believable, captivating mission-minded novel, one I can’t stop thinking about and highly recommend!

Nora St.Laurent
ACFW Book Club Coordinator
The Book Club Network


People of the Book will rock your world. Macias demonstrates the reality of Christian persecution present in the Muslim world with action-packed story and real-world characters. You’ll find yourself praying for the safety of the heroines (former Muslims who accept Jesus Christ) as their Lord and Savior. Buy a copy for you, your church library, and your mission-minded friends.

Jan Coates, author of Set Free and Attitude-inize


Be forewarned. Somewhere between the first word and the last, you may forget to breathe. But you will always remember this story, appropriate for our time. I promise.

Eva Marie Everson
Chasing Sunsets (Baker/Revell 2011)

A strong and moving story! All choices have consequences, some more life-affecting than others. People of the Book examines the cost of life-altering choices, both good and bad.

Gayle Roper, A Rose Revealed, Shadows on the Sand

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Win a Complete Publishing AND Marketing Package for Your Manuscript!

Got a masterpiece manuscript that you've been debating about trying to get published? The National Christian Writers conference, in conjunction with Westbow/Thomas Nelson, is hosting a writers' contest in March at the San Diego convention center. The grand prize is a complete publishing package AND a marketing package. But hurry and check it out! The deadline is closing in....

Monday, January 3, 2011

Got an Urge to "Bake Until Golden"?

There's just something about this cold weather that makes me want to stay inside, start a fire, and...BAKE! Apparently I'm not the only one. The ladies of the Potluck Catering Club are at it again! In their last Potluck Series book, authors Linda Evans Shepherd and Eva Marie Everson have "cooked up" a great story full of mystery, friendship, and faith. Check it out at

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Black History Month...and No Greater Love

As we head into Black History Month in February, honoring those who have in the past (and continue today) made such positive contributions in so many ways, let's not forget those who gave so much--sometimes their very lives--in the struggle to overthrow Apartheid in South Africa. No Greater Love is their story. Throughout the months of January and February, buy a copy online or in bookstores and send me proof of purchase via the "contact me" button on my website ( and I'll send you another copy of No Greater Love (or More than Conquerors or Red Ink if you prefer) free. Blessings!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting the New Year with Prayer!

Okay, we're midway through the first day of 2011. Anyone break their resolution yet? Frustrating, isn't it?

Well, here's my resolution: to love Jesus more and worry about everything else less. And the only way to do that is to spend more time in communion with God. Jennifer Kennedy Dean's Live a Praying Life is a great source for doing just that. Here's a little something to whet your appetite for this excellent book.


The noun alter is usually understood to be a place of worshipful offering. Something of value is offered up and released on the altar. The offerer relinquishes ownership and yields control to Another-- a Power beyond.

Author Jennifer Kennedy Dean, in her book Life Unhindered!, turns the noun altar into a verb. She challenges us to altar our fear, our failure, our possessiveness, our need to control... All those things that hold us captive and keep us from running the race at full throttle.

Live in an altar’d state: surrendered, yielded... Free. Not offering sacrifice to appease a god who is vengeful; or to placate a god who is witholding; or to win the approval of a god who is angry. Live an altar’d life to cooperate with the God who is committed to seeing you free of the toxic and hindering emotions that work against your freedom. Let the altar do its work in you, transforming fear to faith , worry to worship. Each time that old thought pattern starts asserting itself in your thoughts, overlay it with the new reality: I’m altar’d

On the altar, flesh is surrendered to crucifixion. Crucifixion is the prelude to resurrection. Altar’d living frees us to live in the power of His resurrection.

Jennifer is known for her imaginative reframing of eternal truth, and again she gives us a powerful revision of an ancient symbol. She first introduced us to the difference between a prayer life and a praying life, and now leads us to the power of altar’d living.


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