
Monday, March 8, 2010

Why Girls of All Ages Need Girlfriend Time!

Have you ever noticed that guys can spend six months together on the golf course and not even know each other's marital status? Give us "girls" five minutes and we know spouse's name, rank, and serial number, as well children's birthdays and food allergies, plus several favorite recipes. It's just the way we're wired, ladies! And age is irrelevant. I have friends twenty years older than me (though that number is dwindling as I work my way toward the golden years) and several young enough to be my daughters and even granddaughters.

Author Brenda Poinsett has captured this great truth and arranged it so we can understand/apply it to our every day lives. In The Friendship Factor, you will learn how to cultivate and sustain positive, lasting female friendships, how to become a better friend, and how to deal with change, stress, and the stages of a woman's life. Find out more about Brenda and her books/speaking at

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