
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When You're Weary or Discouraged...Look Up!

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands (Psalm 19:1, NIV).

I’ve been traveling a lot lately—more than I care to, actually, though I’ve so enjoyed reconnecting with existing friends and making new ones. Still, it’s good to be home, isn’t it? But one thing I noticed, as I crisscrossed the United States several times in the last few months: Regardless of where I was, when I looked up into the sky, I knew God was there, sitting on His throne, sovereign and kind and faithful.

The psalmist wrote that the heavens “declare” God’s glory and the skies “proclaim” His handiwork. The very fact that stars have been hung in place, and the sun and moon continue to rise on schedule, reminds us of God’s unchanging love for us. Whether we are standing in our own backyard or looking up from a hotel terrace thousands of miles away, God is as close to us as our own heartbeat.

That gives me great comfort. At times, during my travels and the busy schedules they entail, I grow weary—more so the older I get. But God has promised that if I will cling tightly to Him, He will use me to honor His name and to bless others, even in my old age and regardless of where I am or the circumstances that surround me.

The next time you find yourself thinking that perhaps you’ve outlived your usefulness or that you’re just too marred and flawed to be a worthy vessel in God’s hands, stop where you are and look up, and then remember the words of the psalmist: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” You see, it isn’t who we are but who He is that matters. Therefore, we can move forward with confidence into all that He has called and gifted us to do—right up until our very last breath on earth.

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